The Elvis inte bara Rock n' Roll-Playlist 2014-11-03 @ Radio Vättervåg 98,5 Mhz

1. 'Don't Think Twice It's All Right' (Complete Studio Jam) [8:36]
2. 'Tomorrow Is A Long Time' [5:20]

The B:sides-Playlist 2014-11-03 @ Radio Vättervåg 98,5 Mhz

This week: (repris from 2013-06-10) a Thin Man


1. 'Sønder Boulevard' (Live från Cirkus) from Som jordgubbarna smakade...-LPn af Thåström [5:49]
2. 'Brother, Don't You Walk Away' from Zig Zag-CDn af Hooters [4:27]
3. 'Ballad Of A Thin Man' from Monogram 11-LPn af Kira Skov [5:19]
4. 'Tempest' from Tempest-LPn af Bob Dylan [13:54]
5. 'Trouble' from Shot of Love-CDn af Bob Dylan [4:32]
6. 'Ballad Of A Thin Man' from at Budokan-LPn af Bob Dylan [4:48]
7. 'Dom Glömda' from Nowy Port-CDn af Sällskapet [3:39]
8. 'Be a Message of Love' from A Message of Love-CDn af Anna Weister Andersson solo: Almaz Yebio [4:52]
9. 'Futi' af Jobalites [3:28]
10. 'Tula hem och tula vall / تولا هم و تولا ول' from From Dezful to Dalarna / از دزفول تا دالارنا-CDn with Pari Isazadeh [5:25]
11. 'November' from East-CDn with Mattias Pérez [5:25]
12. 'Bye Bye Holland' from DRONE - DE NIEUWE WERELD-CDn with ME [4:54]

© MrZ

This weeks BibleVers:
"The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law."
~ Psalm 119:61

Drink Espresso - God bless U! /MrZ :)
Soli Deo Gloria

B:sides ~ a Thin Man ~ with Elvis15 by Lennarrrt Olausson on Mixcloud