~ 📓 VersEon 📓 ~

It all started with THE GHOST ON THE B-SIDE,
a textDUBarticle by Jeff Noon.
I thought that was kind of a funky idea.
Off I'd went to Lazarus event.
Hmmm... maybe, if I take some songtitles by Bob Dylan and mix them ...
Oohhffff ... I got me self a chaotic tXtmiX.
I went on over to Spotify and made a playlist of the chaos.
And then I started to read the chaos ...
... and, naaa, this is really ...
... noise ...
So back to Lazarus for a second time.
All text in the mix.
Poff!! 🈯 Dub Me!
Now I got me a version that,
after some reading, rereading & moveArounding,
I published this Slow Edge of the Country Pie.
Or, no,
the first second version had as line 9:
My the Heart


Hallo ChatGPT 3.5, here I come!
& I bring 2 Nobel Prize Winners with me ...
... out of somethere came **The Wanderer's Lament**
but I couldn't just let i B ...
... soon I renamned it to the Old Man and the Blue Moon


... now that I'm a bARdisT, I also teamed up with BARD & C we made 3:
Where Shadows Dance
Where Shadows Reside
Where the Shadows Lie Deep


I got feeling, and Bard got flow,
we did some more,
Yeah, that's more than two.
alea ؞ iacta ؞ est
Wind, Oh
Wanna go to Sleep


New Year, and two more,
but No crossfire, and No gore ...
A life of solitude, a world so still
there Näcken cries


Oh look, there comes W.B.
let's meet up!
Don't let this moment pass by,
No, I'm Not goin' to get shy!
listening to Bob Dylan
the Master of Words
going to Rapa Nui‽

created & © by: Mr Z 2021 - 2024

