~ Nej! ~ 1 pod af LennArrrt ~






LennArrrt is from the land South of the great lake Wättern in the southern of Sweden.
There he was born.
There he still lives, driving thru the countryside for just another double doppio listening to some folk-ish jazz in his red-and-black Mini Countryman.
LennArrrt is an autodidact DIY poetry writing artist, with a favor for a kind of minimalistic visual wordarty approach.




NO now the phone rings again
NO an unknown number
NO, I do NOt want to change my subscription
NO, I do NOt want another electricity supplier
NO, I do NOt want to change pension funds
NO I do NOt want to invest in your start-up company
NO I do NOt want to buy ½ dead roses
NO I do NOt want to buy the car radio antenna you just stole
NO I will NOt buy out some liquids to you
NO I do NOt smoke

… but does NO always have to be something negative?

NO, there are NO errors here (but possibly some anomalies)
NO, but it's fun
Oh NO, that’s really Great news
Oh NOOO, that’s really nice
NO today I will have 1 double Doppio!
NO but Hi! (Long time NO see)
NO now it's time for AW

… NO some of this Swedish did NOt go very well in the translating process into English … ⃰

… and NO it do NOt stop here.
NO it goes on for ∞ & Byond…

Svensk version

NEJ nu ringer det igen
NEJ okänt nummer
NEJ jag vill inte byta abonnemang
NEJ jag vill inte ha annan elleverantör
NEJ jag vill inte byta pensionsfond
NEJ jag vill inte investera i ditt uppstartsbolag
NEJ jag vill inte köpa ½döda rosor
NEJ jag vill inte köpa bilradioantennen du precis stulit
NEJ jag köper inte ut åt dej
NEJ jag röker inte

… men måste NEJ vara något negativt?

NEJ här finns inga fel (men möjligen vissa avvikelser / anomalier)
NEJ men va’ kul
NEJ men det var väl 3vligt
NEEEJ men va’ fint det blev
NEJ idag ska jag ha 1 dubbel Doppio!
NEJ men Hej! (de’ va’ inte igår)
NEJ nu är det dax för AW

… NEJ det gick inte så bra att översätta detta till engelska …

… och NEJ det stannar inte här.
NEJ det fortsätter in i ∞ & …


HOW did it come to this

NO not that way!
NO, this is the (right) way

… in the beginning there was NOthing
and NOone

but suddenly someone pushed the ONbottom
NO, it was NOt me
it was something, someone much Greater
someone U and I can NOt say NO to

Some time passed
and, NO, it was NOt a short time that passed




And so, at the 13th of April 2015 a printed version of 13 small green books of #Nej! af LennArrrt.se saw the light. And they all said NO to the darkness in the paperbox. They all got signed & numbered. Some of them went on an endless journey, some find a warm & friendly home, and some still remain to find a new bookshelf that do NOt say NO to a new small green book …

On the 13 April 2022 I minted my genesis, i.e. my first, NFT that was a NanoBook version of #NEJ! - the first nftNanoBook in the history of man. A NanoBook is a qr-code that is the book - scan it & read it. I thought…




This is the thing: I got an Android phone with a qr-scanner. Here everything works. But after a while a friend of mine scanned the qr with an iPhone. And… yeah that don’t went well. iPhone just recognize a few QR meta tags, and that don’t envolve the tag. I've struggled a lot with this tag problem. Thought I had come up with a solution with the 2nd NanoBook ( Nej! - ntfNanoBook 2.0, owned by The NFT Magazine ), but that just trigger the search app on iPhone.
But now I’ve found a solution, and with NanoBook 3.x I believe everything will work as I wanted! So here I am at the final stage to launch nftNanoBook 3.x - now the NanoBooks are embedded in photos & DALL•E² images.

I've struggled a lot with tag problems - different phones accepting different kind of tags. But now, with NanoBook 3.x I B:live all work as I wanted!
So here I am at the final stage to launch nftNanoBook 3.x - the NanoBooks are embedded in photos & DallE images. There will B four different 1/1 nftNanoBooks for each NanoBook (qr) - from 3.0 to 3.14.

created & © by: LennArrrt.seElevenLabs.io 2023
