~ 📓 a Poem af LennArrrt ~


Slow Edge of the Country Pie


Do Unto Others
Do All the Way
All Wind
Slow Edge of the Country Pie
Blue Moon Bob
Covenant Woman Hero Blues
All I Bring
High Water
My Heart
The Highlands Road
American Boy
All I Bring
a While Love
and a Baby
Stop Crying Baby
Final Theme of Night
Here Comes Santa Claus
Too Far from Shore
Time Bound to Lose
Love with You
10,000 on Me Tonight
Don’t Crossing the Rubicon
20 Blues’
Cry Nothin’ Beyond the Horizon of Stones
That You Widow?
That You Window?
Can’t Escape from Believe in You
I Lou Had a Dream
Down in the Flood I Saw
I Saw St. Augustine 32
900 Miles from the North Country
Throw Belle Isle
Bells Black Crow
Blues Black of Love
Can’t Wait
Ain’t That Fine Baby,
a Broken Heart
I Away
I Wanna Be Goin’
to Acapulco
Going to Freedom Christmas Island
I’ll Be Home
All Over You
Early Mornin’ Rain
Early I Contain Multitudes
I Can’t Come in with Henry
Clean Anytime
Wind Cat’s in the The Basement Tapes
You Was Young
All Or Nothing
You Dress it Cove
At of Down by the Theft
Dark As A Morning
Autumn Leaves Baby
I Threw It All
Fall A Satisfied Mind
Cut Kid Clothes Line Farewell
Farewell Angelina
Father with Me
Honey, Just the Hand
It’s Hell Dream
New Hollis Brown Band of Ocean Emotionally
Yours Endless Disease of Conceit
Do Spanish Leather
Men Under the Red Sky
Born in a Friend of Mine
Don’t Believe You
Grain of Sand
Everything Diamond
Ship up!
Bay Black Rider
Black Rider
Arthur McBride As Orleans Rag Bonnie
Won’t You Be My Highway
Better Have it
Dreamin’ Empty Arms
Gates of Gonna Go to Hell
Roman Kings
Easy and for You Baby,
Crawl Out Your Heart
Heartland Comin’ On
I Forgot Time Man!
Forgot Time of Mine !
Be Careful
Don’t Fall Apart
Grieve Ain’t No Man
Ye Fair and Tender
My Mind Made Up the Guards
Chimes of Baby
Ballad for a Buick
Full Moon and Letter Blues
Can You Handy Dandy
Hard Times Whistle
Dusty Old Fairgrounds
2 Dollars and 99 Yous
Can’t Help Falling
in Dylan’s 115th Dream
Bob Crash on the Levee McTell
Blood in My Think
It’s All of the Risin’ Sun
a Courtin’ From Along the Watchtower
All I Went Out
One Not the End
Delia Really Want to Do
Angelina Annie’s of Pride Forever Young Blues
When I Left Home
I Feel a Change in Dream
More Than You’ll Ever Call
Saga Cocaine Blues
Bye California
Friend Ballad in Plain
Done Song to Another Man
Dungeon Dark Eyes
Down on Me
on the Day Street Station
Bring RainBlood
I’ve Just Been Moved
Caribbean of 49
Dead Man
Theme Bye Dead Man
Marie Blonde
Blonde Ain’t the Diamond Boots
‘Cross the Green Mountain
Thin Man Ballad of Abandoned Love
Absolutely Sweet
Am A Lonesome Hobo
Pale in the Moonlight
All the Tired Horses of Thinking
Gonna Get Huck’s Tune
Hurricane Day
I’d Have You
All Drifter’s Escape
Driftin’ Hurt
I Dreamed
I and I
I Fixin’ to Die
Floater Bound to Win
Bourbon Chance House
Carpenter House
Ladies Come
or Know I Forgot
Irons Bound
Come All from My Home
A Me Follow You Down
Going to Sing Her
Apple Denise
Gone Any Time
Diamond Right to Me Baby
Your Rocks Off Girl
A Hard Rain’s Song
Acts Like We Never Now
Down Along the
Desolation Row
Big River
Big Dog
Doing Fine
False Gypsy Prophet
Is Broken
Rough and Rowdy Ways
Gotta Serve Somebody
Big Yellow Taxi 2 X 2
Self Portrait
I’m in the Mood
No Not One Travel On Guess
I’m Ain’t No More Cane Eyes
Billy Cents Blowin’ for the Law
Goin’ Down in the God Knows
He Was for Christmas
Christmas Hazel
I’ll Be
I Shall Be Free
Ain’t Talkin’ to Alberta,
Frankie & Albert
Freight Yourself
A Merry Little York Town
Hark for Anybody
Ain’t Gonna Hate To Be Your Baby Tonight
Baby Hallelujah,
I’ll of the Locusts Days About You
You Have to Do Donald White Ballad
I Don’t Revisited Hollywood Angel
Honest Dear,
Land Death Is of Rhymney Belshazzar Bessie Train Blues
Froggie Went Fool
Such As I Allow Me One More Dylan’s Blues
Baby Hallelujah,
Are You
Dylan’s Suckling Tree
Eden Get You Now
Goodbye Jimmy
You On That Dreadful Winds
Fourth Time Around
Beyond Here Lies
Forgetful Heart
Right Don’t Ya Tell Your Lover
I Want Duncan and Brady Duquesne
Can’t Make It Alone
Four Strong
Changing of Canadee-I-O Cantina Theme
Workin’ Reed Gospel
I Shall Be Released
Gonna Change My Way
Engine Brownsville Girl
Plow Got
Buckets Dirge
Hard Times In New
Dirt Road Blues
Don’t You Try Me
Blackjack Willie
Too Much to Ask
Highway 51
the Road Feeling Bad
Highway 61
Come Shine
Coming from Remember
ForgetWater Copper Kettle
The Herald Angels Sing
Golden Loom Folsom Prison Blues
Going Foot
Have Gone
Little Water Broke
Down You Hear
What I is
Confidential Cool
‘Til I Fell in Pity
Poor Immigrant
Highway Eternal Circle
Every. Eternal Circle Every.

af LennArrrt
under a heavy influence of Bob Dylan

the Müzika @


created & © by: Mr Z

